

We are creating iPad presentations for LOGIWAYS and some of our other clients.
An unforgiving format - no Ppt verbosity allowed here - but a lovely one for stand-up selling in trade shows.
And some truly creative iPad ideas to show you soon. But more on this in a few weeks…



LEA is the worldwide leader in CPL/Home Networking Solutions.

Their product is TRULY "plug and play": Contrary to that much-abused expression, LEA's home networks are created by simply plugging your computer into your home power line.

LAMTAR repositioned LEA's brand, with a combination of logo+tagline+battle cry (in the "I LOVE NY" mode).

And then we applied this positioning to the whole range of marketing tools: Brand, packaging, booth, ads, web site…


Launching a new hearing aid, Oticon Agil, specifically designed to let you ISOLATE YOUR FRIEND'S CONVERSATION in noise.

To bring the message to life, LAMTAR created "glasses to hear better": Red-filter glasses that let you read our message amidst pages of unreadable "noisy" text.

Used in ads, congress booth, direct mailings to professionals… the glasses brought Oticon Agil 80% awareness. The product is now a market leader.


One man's snow is another man's sun…